Danisha Christian & Chanel Wahidi

Danisha Christian & Chanel Wahidi
Correlation between reduced numbers and size of follicles and leaning uterus in IVF patients
Standard medical practice does not consider a lateral leaning uterus to be medically relevant. However, many indigenous cultures globally have used uterine abdominal massage to correct a “displaced” uterus to enhance fertility. A leaning uterus could theoretically interfere with ovarian function. Research has indicated that the circulatory functions, the autonomic innervations of the uterus, and pelvic vein incompetence may negatively affect ovarian function, and fertilization. This study examines a population of 30 U.S. fertility patients undergoing ovarian stimulation for an IVF procedure. The focus is to identify differences in the quantity, and size of follicles that are produced by the ovaries of patients with a leaning uterus. At the beginning of the patient’s IVF cycle, researchers will palpate the lower abdomen to determine the position of the uterus. After the patient complete their series of gonadotropins, physicians will record the number, size and location of each follicle observed. We predict that a laterally leaning uterus reduces follicle number and size. If our results identify a correlation, then additional research should explore potential causes. A positive correlation may suggest complementary treatment options for a laterally leaning uterus advantageous.